Why Brushing Your Teeth Is Important

Why Brushing Your Teeth Is Important

A lot of us know that we are supposed to brush our teeth but we still struggle to drag a brush over our teeth daily.

You may not notice the damage that you do to your teeth and gums every time you neglect oral hygiene.

So we are here to tell you exactly why brushing your teeth is important.

Prevent Gingivitis And Gum Disease With A Water Flosser

Gum disease is preventable and reversible. It’s never too late to get into the habit of good oral hygiene to protect yourself. A minute of water flossing a day can save you tons of problems later on. View our best Waterpik buyers guide.

What Happens When You Neglect Your Teeth?

Periodontal diseases have become more common over the years, partly due to the increase in bad diets and easy access to unhealthy foods. Foods containing carbohydrates and sweets have adverse effects on your teeth.

When you forget to brush your teeth, you worsen the effects of these foods on them.

Effects Of Poor Oral Hygiene

Food debris and particles combine to form plaque which collects in little pockets around the gum line. Plaque irritates your gum tissues which can cause you a lot of problems. This can result in any of the following:

Bad breath

Stale or bad breath can occur due to several reasons such as gum diseases, tooth decay or not brushing your tongue. Most of the bacteria responsible for mouth odor stays on the tongue when you do not brush it.

You are just giving the bad bacteria free reign to grow.


Gingivitis is a form of gum disease that can range from mild to severe cases. The disease causes your gum to be tender, red or swollen. The gum might also bleed when you brush your teeth or floss. Gingivitis may also cause bad breath.

Tooth decay

This is another common problem that happens when you do not practice good oral care. Tooth decay is also known as cavities or caries.

If your diet is high in sugar, you are at risk for tooth decay. Another cause of tooth decay is bacteria in the mouth. When plaque around the gum hardens, it forms tartar which then converts sugar into acid.

The acid breaks down the structure of the tooth, forming holes called cavities. If left untreated, cavities can cause pain, bad breath, tooth abscesses and tooth loss.


When you don’t treat your gingivitis, it can get much worse. Periodontitis is a severe stage of gingivitis as it causes the gum around the affected tooth to pull away, and the space in between the gum and teeth becomes infected.

Bacteria release toxins that break down the tissue and bones surrounding the teeth causing the teeth to remove or become loose.

Other health problems have been linked to poor oral hygiene such as respiratory problems, heart attacks and strokes.

Researchers state that mouth bacteria and gum inflammation can lead to inflammation of the arteries and dangerous clotting.

According to a study in the Journal of Periodontology, people who inhale bacteria from gum disease may develop respiratory problems. This is certainly a great examply of why brushing your teeth is important.

Maintaining Good Oral Hygiene Practices

According to the American Dental Association (ADA), good oral hygiene practices involve:

  • brushing your teeth twice a day (once in the morning and again before bedtime),
  • flossing regularly (after each meal and before you sleep),
  • visiting your dentist for professional teeth cleaning and check-ups, and
  • maintaining a balanced diet.

The technique you employ in brushing your teeth is also of great significance. The proper way to do it is to place your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to your gums and brush the source of your teeth in an up-down motion.

Also clean the inside surfaces and the tongue with a sweeping motion. Brush the chewing surfaces of the teeth and pay particular attention to the back teeth and the gum line. You should brush your teeth for at least two minutes

Dental health professionals recommend the use of soft bristle or electric toothbrushes for brushing your teeth. Toothbrushes with hard bristles may slowly wear off tooth enamel and injure gum tissues.

Brushing your teeth with an antimicrobial toothpaste containing fluoride is also crucial as the fluoride in the toothpaste makes the brushing process more efficient in removing plaque.

Another important part of oral care is toothbrush hygiene. You should replace your toothbrush every three months or as soon as it begins to show signs of wear. You should also replace the toothbrush after a cold or after treating a mouth infection.

Why Brushing Your Teeth Is Important, Answered!

Why brushing your teeth is important is because it can prevent a whole lot problems. You avoid bacteria build up in the mouth, fight off gum disease, cavities, halitosis and teeth stains.

You also reduce your risks of certain degenerative health problems such as dementia, strokes, respiratory issues and heart attacks.

For teeth stains removal, read our guide on how to get rid of teeth stains. As for making your teeth pearly white, there are natural ways such as strawberry teeth whitening.

When you maintain proper oral care and a good oral hygiene routine, you save yourself the cost of professional dental care that you may otherwise incur when you have oral health problems. That in itself is a good reason why you should brush your teeth daily.

The Easy Way To Get Kids Into Flossing. 

Since using a water flosser is easy and safe to use, young children, can be taught how to use this device. Best Waterpik for Kids

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