Flossing with water: Could that really help?

Flossing with water, could that really help?

The importance of flossing cannot be stressed enough.

Flossing is capable of cleaning the shielded, difficult to clean areas between the teeth. Which shields you from gum disease and bleeding, as well as decay which more often than not starts in those areas.

But flossing is not easy and not everyone can do it right and regularly.

Which is why a lot of people attempt to make the act easier. This is why flossing with water has come about.

No More Awkward String Floss. Find the Best Water Flosser

A water flosser is much easier to use than string floss. This is great for those with dexterity issues or limited mobility in their hands or limbs.  View Our Review

Why water is essential to oral hygiene

Water is a blessing. If used correctly, it could be the answer to most of the body’s problems. Everyone knows they should drink an ample volume of water daily. Because it is good for the stomach and the digestive system, as well as the kidneys and it also clears the blood.

When it comes to oral care, water is essential. A rinse of water after you eat lowers the acidity in the mouth and washes away the food remnants and debris, which could save you from a whole lot of problems. But what about using water to facilitate flossing?

Does flossing with water work?

Two aspects to consider here: Using water with traditional string floss and using water itself as floss. Or in other words, water flossers.

As we said before, you cannot do without water when it comes to oral hygiene, and using water with string floss is certainly no different.


Using water with traditional string floss

Water before flossing

Of course you should rinse your mouth with water before attempting brushing or flossing. This serves to clear the large, unstuck particles and food remnants from the teeth and mouth.

So when you use the brush or floss, you don’t push those remnants into the gums, and therefore is a major act of protection.

Water during flossing

In this case we mean using water as a lubricant to facilitate the passing of the string between the tight contacts of teeth.

Water is a natural lubricant. Although it is quite volatile (unlike commonly known lubricants as oils and jellies) but still it is very safe to use.

Another important function of water in that instance is cooling, because forcing the string between the teeth results in friction which generates heat. Even though it is minor, it could cause damage to the teeth and gums overtime.

Finally, water contains a lot of minerals that strengthens both the teeth and the gums, so having water in contact with the teeth at all times is certainly beneficial.

Another aspect to consider is flossing with salt water. Salt helps to clean wounds and reduce gum disease on its own. So adding salt water to your flossing regimen is certainly a big help.

Water after flossing

It goes without saying that you should definitely rinse with water after flossing or brushing, and certainly if you do both at one time.

Brushing and flossing clear all the debris and small food remnants as well as plaque, which if not cleared away could easily find their way back to the surface of the teeth.

That would mean all your efforts would have gone to waste.


Using Water As Floss

The use of flossing with water jets (aka water piks and water flossers) is definitely on the rise. 

This amazing device was introduced about 15 years ago as a substitute to using traditional string floss. The idea was to make the act easier, as well as adding benefit. And boy did it deliver!

Water flossers consist of a small pen-like handle, with a small tip that could be easily directed between the teeth for cleaning. This handle is connected to a reservoir that could be filled with regular water, salt water and even mouthwash.

It works by directing a strong jet of water between the teeth, clearing all the debris and plaque in its path.

Does flossing with waterpik work?

If you are wondering if this setting works, it definitely does​ and the numbers don’t lie. There is no doubt that water flossers have upped the game of oral care.

Various studies have tackled the matter and found without a shadow of a doubt that water flossers not only work, but are more efficient than any other flossing method available today.

These studies have shown that water flossers are 51% more effective than string floss in reducing gum bleeding and gingivitis. And almost 30% more effective in reducing plaque accumulation and build up.

Does flossing with Braces waterpik work?

It is also particularly useful for people who have large restorations as crowns and bridges. Or people who wear braces where the water stream can easily wrap itself around these structures to clean the teeth.

Water flossers improved the efficiency of flossing in braces wearers 3 times over and reduced their gum bleeding and chances of gingivitis by more than 50%.

Water flossers can be used by everyone

Add to these numbers the fact that water flossers are extremely easy to use, and can be used by everyone even the elderly. That means people with limited dexterity such as those suffering from Parkinson’s and even children (with supervision of course) can use a water flosser.

Of course, this is not for everyone. The device is not cheap and not everybody can afford one. It is also very bulky and quite messy, so could be unsuitable if your washroom doesn’t have the sufficient space.

Finally, it is not easily portable as string floss, although newer models are a bit smaller and some are even mobile as claimed by the manufacturers. But not as effective as the stationary model.

Flossing teeth with water answered!

So to conclude our topic on whether flossing with water is beneficial, well it certainly is. Even if you are comfortable enough with your traditional flossing method with string floss, just add water to the mix and you would find it even easier. But if not, then you should definitely consider getting a water flosser.

Ditch the String Floss. Upgrade to a Water Flosser. 

String floss causes pain and gum bleeding. A water flosser uses a stream of water to effectively remove plaque. Learn more: Best Water Flosser Review – Ditch String Floss For Good

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