Have you ever wondered why you have a toothache or specifically “why do my bottom teeth hurt?”
Did you know that your bottom teeth are more susceptible to pain than your top teeth?
Well, we aim to explain the cause of this pain because dental pain is a very common problem.
Every single person has felt the pain of decay or a cavity at least once during their lifetime. Of course not all dental pain is the same and the reasons for a toothache are numerous.
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As strange as that sounds it is a well-known fact among dentists. The difference is minor, so don’t take it as an excuse to brush and floss the lower teeth only and ignore the upper.
Bottom teeth are more prone because of a simple law of nature: gravity. Gravity exerts its pull on bacteria and plaque, and therefore it is more likely for food to get trapped between the contacts of lower teeth.
Not only that, the saliva secreted from the glands in the lower jaw is of a different structure than that secreted by the glands of the upper jaw. It is more viscous and of less volume. So you would expect lower teeth to be more prone to decay and periodontal disease.
Why Do My Bottom Teeth Hurt? The Causes
Your bottom teeth don’t hurt or ache for just any reason. There will be a specific reason or underlying issue. Here’s some examples to look more closely into.
Of course the most common cause of pain is decay and cavities. Everyone gets affected by decay and people who don’t take care of their oral hygiene are even more liable.
Decay starts because of the bacteria in the plaque. When the plaque is left uncleaned for a few days, the bacteria starts to release acids that dissolve the outer layer of the teeth (that is the protective enamel). This paves the way for bacteria to ingress into the soft inner layers, which is when pain starts.
Once the bacteria and acids reach the inner most layer (known as the pulp), the pain becomes unbearable and you may feel your teeth about to explode.
Gum Disease
The second most common cause of teeth pain is gum and periodontal disease. It starts simple, a few bleeding points, a bit of itching sensation, to which and most of us overlook these. But once the situation reaches the point of no return (that is when bone loss happens) you will wish you hadn’t overlooked it.
You may have experienced this sort of immense pain before and you probably asked yourself “why do my teeth hurt when I drink some water, or even when I breathe?”
The answer to that is because of severe gum disease, where the bone and ligaments are gone, exposing the very sensitive root. Almost anything, even something as minor as a glass of water would leave you in agony.
Leaky Filling
If you have had a restoration to your teeth, especially if it has been done a few years ago, and you start feeling pain in that tooth. It is more likely to be because of a faulty filling that needs to be replaced as soon as possible.
You may not know this, but teeth get bruised just as much as the skin. However the teeth won’t show a bluish circle or swelling, instead they feel a bit wobbly in your mouth and you would definitely experience pain when you bite.
This happens when you accidentally bite down on something hard, or if you had a minor accident involving the teeth. The area around the tooth that holds it in place inside the bone (known as the periodontal ligament) feels a shock and is now in a state of disarray.
The pain mediators are firing on all cylinders and even the tiniest touch would render you in pain. But fear not, in most cases this condition passes on its own and no major treatment is needed.
However, if the knock was severe enough that it broke a tooth or even worse a part of the bone, then you need medical attention NOW!!
Tooth Grinding And Clenching
A lot of people suffer from this and most are unfortunately unaware. Sometimes you just wake up and you feel immense pressure on your teeth (especially your bottom teeth because of gravity) and you feel a headache encircling your entire skull.
You think “why am I in so much pain when I just woke up and the day hasn’t even started?”
The answer is because you grind your teeth during sleep. This not only affects the teeth, but on the long run could affect the joint of the jaw as well. Therefore this needs immediate attention and the solution is very simple. Get a night guard.
Some people even grind and mash their teeth when they are awake, which is a sign of severe stress that needs to be addressed immediately to ensure a chance of recovery.
When you accidentally bite down on something hard, such as a seed of a fruit, 3 things could happen:
Understanding Why Do My Bottom Teeth Hurt Wrap Up
These are the most common causes of tooth pain, but certainly not all of them. Other causes are a bit more rare such as abscesses and hot tooth syndrome.
So the next time you wonder “why my bottom teeth hurt” it will more than likely be from one of the above mentioned causes.
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